Keys to Successful Dental Visits for Kids
Posted on July 27th, 2024
There are very few people in the world who would choose going to the dentist as their favorite thing to do, and kids are no exception. Here are a few tips to help ensure a more successful dental visit for your child:
- Encourage age-appropriate daily oral hygiene routines at home. The best checkups are the ones where you hear Dr. Bradley Miller at Miller Family Dental say the best words you can hear at the dentist: “No cavities!”
- Plan ahead. If your child needs to see a dentist right before the school year begins or during spring break, make the appointment as far in advance as you can.
- Consider the time of day when scheduling appointments. If your child naps at a certain time or already isn’t a morning person, keep that in mind when picking a time. It’s also best not to schedule an appointment right after school or intensive athletic events so kids have the stamina to get through their dental visit reasonably content.
- Don’t take kids to the dentist hungry. Hungry people are grouchy people, no matter their age! A light meal is best, but please don’t eat it in the waiting room. Brushing before a hygiene appointment is polite, and a good habit to instill in kids.
- Keep your anxiety in check. Kids pick up on your anxiety. Some doctors feel that between the ages of 4-6 are the most important to keep kids calm at the dentist because adults with dental phobia tend to have had their negative experiences at that age.
- Choose your words carefully. Don’t make it sound scarier than it has to be! There’s no need to talk about how much it might hurt. If they are comfortable, have your child ask the dentist questions.
- Keep your cool if your child is uncooperative. Slow down. Try to figure out why your little one is upset, and talk them through the process, breaking explanations into small steps so It’s not as overwhelming. Work as a team with Miller Family Dental to keep the visit going. If you terminate the appointment without trying to make the situation work, Dr. Bradley Miller has observed it will likely worsen next time.
We look forward to smiling with your family. If you’d like to make an appointment to visit Miller Family Dental, get in touch today!
The content of this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.